
So you want to know more, huh!

Hello there!

What is this? Over the years, I have learnt a lot from various sources on the internet. I’ve always said that I’d like to create a website of my own to blog about the things that I do, as i’d like to try help others out in the same way I have been helped out. So, this is that website!

Why Current Sauce? I love a good pun! It’s a play on words between an electrical current source, and fruity currant sauce. Truthfully, this is the best that I could come up with! :rofl:

When did this start? I launched this website in August 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, what a time to be creative!

Who am I? I’m James. I’m a 29 year old Electronic Design Engineer in Manchester, UK. I graduated with an M.Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Manchester in 2014, but I tend to ignore the first ‘E’ as I did very few Electrical modules and have forgotten what I did learn, and I’m at peace with that! I moved to Manchester from Doncaster, South Yorkshire and ended up settling in Manchester where I live with my partner.

Stop hovering over me.
That's me!

Electronics is one of my hobbies, though I also enjoy Snowboarding, Rock Climbing (and bouldering too I guess) and Hiking to name a few. I’m also a massive softy for cats and dogs. We have a very silly yet very lovely Sprocker Spaniel called Oscar, he’s ace!

What about this website? I spent far too long trying to decide how to build a website. I’m no web designer1, but I didn’t want to use a WYSIWYG platform 2 - just seemed like cheating to me, I wanted something that I had to work on! So I eventually settled on building something using Jekyll, which is super convenient as I can host the site (for free) using GitHub pages. Fabulous! I write it all in Notepad++ (on Windows 10), and the theme that I am using is called Bulma Clean Theme by C.S. Rhymes. I really love it, it is so clean and nice (clue was in the name I suppose), I definitely could’t have Jekyll’d this level of detail myself and am so grateful that the author made it open for use.

I hope you enjoy this website as much as I am enjoying building it. :smile:

  1. Okay, I’ll admit that when I was 14 I learnt HTML 4 and made some okay to shambolic websites. I’m not wanting to go there again. 

  2. I know i’d get frustrated with it too. I wrote my 3rd year dissertation in LaTeX and it was wonderful. Ah, memories.